Feb 202011

Geographic Travels is one of the web’s most popular and long-established geography blogs. Here is what they had to say about Geo-Mexico:

Book Review: Geo-Mexico

Earlier we featured the great blog, that is still active, Geo-Mexico. The blog Geo-Mexico is a promotion blog for the book, also called Geo-Mexico. We received a review copy of the book and can honestly say the book more than lives up to the blog.

As a child growing up in the center of the United States I knew Mexico was 1) the source of many immigrants 2) the land of tacos and 3) home of advanced American Indian nations. Later on I became more and more interested in Mexico because of its advancement into multiparty democracy, its rich Catholic tradition, and complex mixture of cultures. Because of my growing interest the book Geo-Mexico was a great read for me.

The book is authored by Dr. Richard Rhoda and Tony Burton. Both of these men are experts on Mexico. Their book proves their expertise. Written in textbook form Geo-Mexico covers the whole range of the geography of Mexico. The chapters covers Poctepec (“hill that smokes” or physical geography), Michmaloyan (“place to fish” or economic geography), and Teocalcingo (“where the temple is” or human geography). Thirty-one chapters cover the full range included in these three subfields. Whether one wants to read about the rise of Protestantism in Mexico, the stark north-south political divide between Right and Left, or water issues throughout the country this is the book to read.

Catholicgauzette greatly appreciated the professional, easy-to-read maps. Though the maps are in black and white this is not an issue because of the smart use of different fill designs.

Geo-Mexico is fragmented into a text book style which allows one to jump to the chapter of interest without fear of missing out. However, it does help if you read related chapters like “Migration to the USA” and “Mexicans in the USA.”

Geo-Mexico is a great read. To quote myself during the first day of high school Spanish, Me gusta

Geographic Travels, April 12, 2010

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Six months on, one of the authors of Geographic Travels kindly sent us this short note:

It truly is a great book.  When I was back stateside there would be slow nights were I would take it off the bookshelf, open to a random chapter, and just read.  I like how you combined the textbook format with general readability.”

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