Aug 232019

A recent edition of the New Scientist has an interesting article about dinosaurs and the rapid shifts in our knowledge of these ancient beasts based on recent fossil discoveries. If the New Scientist is to be believed, these discoveries have not only revolutionized our views of dinosaurs, they have also rearranged the Earth’s geography.

  • The demise of the dinosaurs came about after “An enormous asteroid struck what is now the Yucatan peninsula  in Central America, sparking a mass extinction.”

Hmm… first up, it should be the “Yucatán Peninsula” (with an uppercase “P”) to refer to that region of Mexico. And, more importantly, the Yucatán Peninsula, as part of Mexico, is clearly in North America, not Central America, unless the impact of that danged asteroid is still reverberating around the world and shifting the continents.

For more about dinosaurs and the Chicxulub impact crater –


  • Riley Black. “The undiscovered dinosaurs”. New Scientist, August 3-9, 2019, page 46

  One Response to “The New Scientist enters Geo-Mexico’s “Hall of Shame””

  1. Mexico may not be in Central America but is – together with Central America and sometimes the Caribbean and Colombia/Venezuela – in Middle America.

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