Apr 102010

These are the ten states in Mexico with the lowest annual precipitation totals. Mexico’s six wettest states receive more than twice the precipitation of any of these dry states.

RankStateAnnual precipitation (mm)
1Baja California Sur176.2
2Baja California203.7
10Nuevo León602.2

Teaching ideas:

  • Plot these states on a map of Mexico and see if there is any clear pattern to their location.
  • Does their location help to explain why these states receive less precipitation than other parts of Mexico?
  • What other factors, besides location, may help to explain why they are the driest states in Mexico?
  • What are the implications of receiving limited precipitation for economic activities?
  • To what extent does receiving limited precipitation influence a region’s development?

Mexico’s diverse climates are the subject of chapter 4 of Geo-Mexico: the geography and dynamics of modern Mexico. Water availability, rivers, aquifers, water issues and hazards are analyzed in chapters 6 and 7. Buy your copy today!

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