Dec 082014

Every so often, a news article comes along which rattles our perceptions, causes us to think, and begs us to discuss big issues. This is one of those times.

Los Angeles Times reporter Richard Marosi and photojournalist Don Bartletti traveled across nine Mexican states, observing conditions and interviewing workers at some of the mega-farms that have powered the country’s agricultural export boom.

The resulting article, the first of a four-part series, was published yesterday in the Los Angeles Times, and offers lots of potential for serious discussions in geography classes around the world about agribusiness practices, supply chains, the persistence of inequalities, and a host of other issues. The article is accompanied by some great photographs and short, informative videos.


In “Hardship on Mexico’s farms, a bounty for U.S. tables“, Marosi and Bartletti find that thousands of laborers at Mexico’s mega-farms endure harsh conditions and exploitation while supplying produce for American consumers.

This is a must-read series for anyone interested in the Geography of Mexico, and we can’t wait to see the next three parts of this series.

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  2 Responses to “LA Times investigatives farmworkers in Mexico”

  1. Are any of these abused workers people that were driven off of their small maize farms by NAFTA resulting in American corn overwhelming the small Mexican farmers?

  2. That’s a good question. My instant opinion is “no”, but it will be interesting to see what line is taken in the remaining three parts of this LA Times series, which will presumably cover this, and other, questions in some depth.

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