Aug 052010

The table and map show the eleven states in Mexico which have the youngest population (defined by average age of the population).

RankStateAverage age (years)
1Quintana Roo22.3
3Baja California24.9
5=State of México25.9
7=Baja California Sur26.0
The states with the youngest average age

The states with the youngest average age. Click to enlarge. All rights reserved.

This map does not appear to reveal any obvious spatial pattern. What do these 11 states have in common, apart from (presumably) a high percentage of young people?

(a) Can you suggest what circumstances (or combination of circumstances) might result in a state having a relatively young population?

(b) Find a table or map showing the birth rates in each state. Is there any similarity between that information and this map of states with the youngest population?

(c) Find a table or map showing which states have experienced the fastest rates of in-migration because their economies have grown rapidly in the past 30 or 40 years. Is there any similarity between that information and this map of states with the youngest population?

Several chapters of Geo-Mexico: the geography and dynamics of modern Mexico. discuss population issues, including the age of the population. Buy your copy today to have a handy reference guide to all major aspects of Mexico’s geography!

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