Jun 252011

Over the past year, the US State Department has issued repeated warnings about travel in Mexico. Some of these warnings are specific to certain stretches of highway; others are broader and focus on cities or regions.

Travel Weekly has produced a handy map showing the areas currently affected by advisories (a version of this map appears below). Resorts colored green are “presumed to be safe”, while yellow means “caution” and red means “warning issued”.

  • Link to the Travel Weekly pdf map with full details, explaining the significance of each numbered location,
Traveler Safety in Mexico. Map Credit: Travel Weekly – www.travelweekly.com/mexicomap/

Note that “Sombrete” on the map, near Fresnillo, should actually be Sombrerete. (Curiously, this is the exactly same mistake made recently by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in the text accompanying a display about silver in Latin America. Sombrerete was a very important silver-mining center during colonial times, and the town is well worth visiting, advisories permitting, for numerous fine colonial buildings).

Given the map, it is perhaps not really a great surprise that Mexico’s federal Tourism Department is currently actively promoting the Caribbean coast and “Mundo Maya” (Maya World), a region well removed from the red-colored zones on the map.

According to a slew of articles in Mexico’s Spanish-language press:

  3 Responses to “Which parts of Mexico are currently subject to US travel advisories?”

  1. I personally think that Mexico is a great danger to travel to . Even though many people that i know say it safe but to one conclusion How do we now that we’r going to making it through, if when passing the border of Mexico is where there is more danger of people being killed ??? And so many things that the ”News” say now days.

  2. I personally think that no matter where you are in the world some type of precaution must be taken. Why does the US gov’t does not issue travel warnings to Chicago ILL, where an average of 10 people are murdered each day; or New Orleans where travel agencies strongly advice against traveling outside the French Quarter due to high criminal activities; or Philadelphia which has the newly acquired nickname of “Killadelphia” where an average of 5 murders occur each day.

  3. John, Thanks for your comment. I’ve long held a similar view. We hope you continue to enjoy geo-mexico.com posts, TB

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