Apr 112016

According to ECOCE, a non-profit environmental grouping of 24 food and beverage firms, representing more than 80 brands such as Peñafiel, Bonafont, Herdez, Jumex and Coca-Cola, Mexico is the world’s leading recycler of hard plastic PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles and containers.

Mexico has 14 PET recycling plants, the construction of which represents total investments of around US$314 million.

Ever wondered what thousands and thousands of crushed plastic bottles look like? Try this short video showing the processes involved in a PetStar PET-recycling plant:

In 2015, Mexico produced 722,000 metric tons of PET, of which 364,000 tons (50.4%) were recovered for recycling. This rate of recycling is well ahead of Canada (40%), Brazil (42%), the U.S. (31%) and the European Union (21%). Recycled PET, worth about $250 a ton, is reused to make bottles, containers, and various textile products.

60% of Mexico’s recycled PET is destined for the national market, the remaining 40% is exported to China, the U.S. and elsewhere.


  • Press release of ECOCE, 16 March 2016

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  3 Responses to “Mexico is the world leader for PET recycling”

  1. Recycling — one of my pet interests.

  2. It’s great they are recycling, but wouldn’t it be better to not use the plastic in the first place. I’m appalled at the amount of plastic used here. This makes me think of things I can do to reduce my consumption.

  3. Agreed; “reduce” is the first step, before reuse and recycle.

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